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About Us

Main activities

Safety Management

By establishing and implementing a safety and health policy, we guarantee a prosperous life for our employees and fulfill our corporate social responsibility.

Safety management committee

[Serious Disaster Prevention Committee]

To proactively respond to the ‘Act on Punishment for Serious Disasters, etc.’ (enforced in January, 2022) and reinforce safety measures, we established an internal committee. The Serious Disaster Prevention Committee, composed of a chair and 8 standing members, deliberates every month to resolve issues concerning safety and health management activities, such as implementation of the safety and health management system, establishment of measures to prevent recurrence of disasters, and fulfillment of obligations according to safety and health-related laws.

[Occupational Safety and Health Committee]

LS Cable & System operates a joint labor-management occupational safety and health committee at each business site. The committee is composed of 15 people including the person in charge of company safety management and 15 people including the employee representative of the labor union. It deliberates and resolves on key agendas, such as establishment of industrial accident prevention plans, preparation and change of safety and health management regulations, provision of education on workers’ safety and health, inspection and improvement of the working environment, management of workers’ health, and industrial accident statistics and maintenance, and announces the results so that all employees shall be aware of them.

Acquisition of global certifications

Safety and health management system certification

Manufacturing plants (Gumi, Indong and Donghae) and all construction sites at home and abroad

International safety culture certification (SCL)

Proves the level of safety culture, including safety awareness and safety policy