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Product Information

Automobiles Cables HV Cables

High voltage cables are widely used, from hybrid vehicles to PHEVs and EVs in both the car exterior and interior. High voltage cables can withstand 600V~1000V. There are unshielded/shielded types. Allowable temperature and shielding type depends on the area of usage.

Types and purposes

• EV high voltage cables
  - Wires on EV car exterior and interior


High voltage cables for green cars such as HEVs, PHEVs and EVs. Eco-friendly HF cables and EMI properties are strengths of these cables.
  - Highly flexible
  - Optimized insulation design for low attenuation
  - Unshielded / shielded type to reduce electric resistance

Main functions

• Operating temp: -40~150℃
• Complete vehicle standards, and international ISO/JASO standards

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